Feng Shui - What 2008 holds for Singapore

􀂉 Important that you “Meet the noble man.”
􀂉 Earth and Water are in conflict
􀂉 Oil Prices and Gold will go higher, Timber and Logging industries may
also fair well.
􀂉 Singapore Property – rising from May to September.
􀂉 Something brewing in the 4th Quarter.
A Feng Shui Master speaks…
January is the month where conviction picks are flavour of the month throughout
the broking industry as trusted Analysts put their necks on the line outlining key
buy and sell recommendations. Since the Singapore list is already on your desks, a
quick visit to a Feng Shui Master reveals further considerations and for some “food
for thought”.
As a reminder, the actual date of the Rat year will commence on 4th February 2008
at 1903 hours, three days before the Chinese Lunar New Year. The year of the Rat
is symbolized by a pillar of Yang Earth H5 over Yang Water E1. So if you get that,
you know this is significant in Feng Shui terms as “Earth cannot control strong
Water”. The underlying theme this year is Water, although it’s not all good news
“we can expect more water disaster especially in the 3Q of the year”.
Our Master expects the Stock market to “rise from May to August and the US dollar
will remain weak”. Singapore will continue to experience more IPO’s however “be
mindful in your speculations especially on the third quarter”. It is also important to
look out for and “meet the noble man”. As a Rat myself, I have just found out who
the noble man is....So a reminder Chris Wood is in Singapore, January 29th.
Earth cannot control
strong Water
Singapore News Research 08 January 2008
Please see important notice on last page Page 2 of 3
It would also appear that the suffering Singapore property market may
have a small leg up “Singapore property prices will still continue to remain
stable. Prices will rise again from May to September” he believes.
Furthermore, it may be worth looking at Malaysian property “as it could
spill over”. So while some potential respite – looks like a short cycle.
The 4th quarter certainly sounds tough for the Singapore Economy as our
Master suggests “uncertainty” the recommendation here is to think “Thrice”
not “Twice”.
Interestingly, our rodent friend the Rat is a flower of romance year. So
apparently we need to watch out for “affairs”. Those already married are
advised to “avoid falling into uncalled relationships. More sexual related
diseases will surface”.
While water dominates 2008 a favourable element for this year is Fire, therefore
auspicious colour for 2008 is red. “Fire related industries like power and energy,
electronics, oil will be in demand. I expect oil prices will continue to rise again in
the Q2 and may ease off around August”. “Gold will also surge higher”.
Forestry should also see a positive year as he predicts “Wood, timber and furniture
industries will flourish”. Environmentally there are however natural concerns with
increased de-forestation. This factor will contribute to further global warming
related issues. “As Wood and Water are unfavorable elements this year related
industries such as construction, printing, timber will be in favour”.
General health issues in 2008 will be dominated by the stomach (Earth), our Master
suggests “you should be well protected and insured for medical expenses”.
Geographically, the Southern Region that includes Australia, NZ and Indonesia are
“not so auspicious this year.” There is also potential “destabilisation in ASEAN in the
4th quarter.”
Fire related industries will
be in demand
Singapore News Research 08 January 2008
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Unfortunately, we have no predictions on who will win Euro 2008 or who will be the
next US president and for the life of me I can’t find out which act will perform at
the 2008 Japan Forum (Tokyo 25-29th Feb), but if you attend the Singapore
Corporate Access Forum (Singapore 20-23rd May) I know you will not be

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